Call status
Call status is an indicator of the operation’s execution, which also includes additional information about the state or reasons for failure. It helps to determine whether the operation was completed successfully and if not, for what reason.
- “Successful” – the call was completed successfully without any errors or issues.
- “Unsuccessful” – the call ended with an error or unsuccessfully due to various reasons: incorrect request parameters, network problems, server unavailability, etc.
- “Discarded” – the request was denied or canceled before completion, which can occur if the user interrupts the operation or if the server or application decides to reject the request due to certain conditions or limitations.
“Error code” provides additional information about the reasons for the call’s failure. It can be used to identify the problem, which can be useful for debugging or monitoring the application.
User can input any digital value for the ‘Error Code’ field, which represents a specific error or state.
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