Trunk groups

A Trunk group is an association of several trunks, with an established option for distributing (balancing) traffic between them (a Type of trunk group).

Types of trunk groups:

Trunk groups typeDescription
DirectAll traffic is always sent to the first trunk
UniformDistributes traffic between all trunks equally
ProportionDistribution of traffic between trunks according to the established proportion
MetricsThe equipment determines the qualitative characteristics of the channel and directs traffic to the trunk with the best speed characteristics
FailureIf trunk A fails, traffic is redirected to trunk B

Trunk groups are created and stored in the Trunk Groups section.

To create a new trunk group, click “+ Add”.

Enter the ‘Name’ and select the ‘Trunk group type’ and click “Save”:

After the trunk group is created, add the trunks to it. To do this, in the Available trunks section, click on the necessary trunks (the marked trunks will be highlighted):

Then click on the “Add to Group” button. Similarly, you can exclude trunks.

After the trunk group is created, it is available for assignment when creating a routing rule. see Outgoing routes.

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